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M For Mature

To be blunt, nothing about this project was catered to the immature, so that heading applies to everything on this site, but this material in particular was meant for the eyes of Breath of Fire fans [translation: those with the maturity to handle reality, however light or dark, with or without a candle] and expected to be ignored by those only looking for things to dislike.

Click that title (Tip's Teaser) for a PDF sampling from each of the book's 5 major sections as they appear in the physical print edition, plus a page to start and page to end with sketch art and tips exclusive to this file.

Though it only contains 13 pages from the book, only 5 of witch are filled with text (each from a different chapter), this is an ideal glimpse of the style and content to be discovered in its 500+ pages, and ideal to share with those you wish to introduce to Breath of Fire Phoenix.

A testament to the arbitrary world of censorship, the original book cover was approved by the vendor for the digital and paperback editions, and both were available for purchase starting August 10, 2022. Then, on August 25, this same art was rejected for the hardcover edition on the grounds that its title blended into the background, a significant element of its design entwined with a breadth of meanings. What was acceptable on 2 products for 15 days (and continued to be deemed so) spontaneously became unacceptable for a third product, resulting in a censored hardcover (after the text was modified to remove that 'vanishing then returning' effect) being sold alongside its paperback and digital kin that were both still adorned with the forbidden art.

Given the history of entertainment, and of Breath of Fire, in hindsight these issues seem fated, for how appropriate that a book on this subject would face such challenges. Love it or hate it, this elegant ephemeral exterior serves as a reminder. No sex, drugs, rock or roll. Twas merely a gray fusion of black and white that sparked its denial from the eyes of audiences. If suppression of artistic freedom can afflict so simple a thing as this, in so inconsistent a way, it can affect everyone and everything in ways you perhaps cannot yet imagine.

Contra to any rumors to the contrary, the censorial issues with the beta cover were of coincidental timing and did not lead to its replacement on August 28 (a date chosen prior to the August 25 scandal) by the new design that was already in development before the hardcover was first submitted for publication with the original (already slated for replacement) artwork discussed above.

Now, regarding the official cover art which can presently be found on the finished product, it was crafted with variants not intended for use on the book but created specifically for visitors to this site, specifically for the purpose of presenting eye candy in a fashion interpretively meaningful on levels perhaps unseen by its originator and perceivable only by its observer, so it's to you visitors that elucidation of these pieces and their symbolisms are bequeathed.

Check References

Not a complete list of everything the book referenced, but notables you're like to seek since it made a point of pointing them out as worth checking out in your studies of Breath of Fire.

Creator of classics, harbinger of happiness, maker of moments (37 and counting).

If you don't know who Capcom is, you should.

Search that site to find patches for altering ROM files (sold separately) to change difficulty, script, etc. As advised in the book, you should not use these your first time playing any BOF game. Script mods won't have the classic story, balance mods won't have the classic challenge. You must trudge through the originals (without abusing emulator perks) to earn your scars. That said, if you just wanna know the stories before reading the book, Easy mods and save states will aid you in quickly achieving that goal.

Or, depending on the date, an official copy could provide equally helpful perks that aid in consuming the story faster than veterans of the classics could, but finding copies of the game itself is a quest best left to you.

[Referenced in "About Time: Go Play" (chapter: segment) of the book.]

Capcom's official artwork for the re-release of Breath of Fire II on the Game Boy Advance, which shows Nina's black wings and dark energy.

[The Black Wings: Extremities]

Capcom's official American Super Nintendo box art for Breath of Fire II that, in addition to depicting Katt as uncharacteristically curvy and Ryu as uncharacteristically comparable to Rand, begs the question: Are these good guys, or...?

[The Good Guys: Appearances Can Be]

Fan illustrations, fictions and their ilk can be found in many places, and including links to many would show favoritism to some while excluding others equally deserving, so search on your own, and keep searching in years to come since there are works referenced in the book that exist in my time but didn't at the time the book was published.

But, since you didn't come here to be told "There's nothing!" a link has been included to what was arguably the most robust of fan arts referenced in the book and available when it was released, which is the fan-scored orchestral tracks with accompanying animation (featuring Rand demonstrating his talent for timed hits on triangle).

[Replay Value: Inspiring Fans]
