Long Story Short...
Short Story Long...

A time shall come when the human clan, as a whole, realizes its scientific pursuits amounted to a person heading into a desert convinced an oasis was over the next horizon then being too embarrassed to ever admit you were heading the wrong way, a misguided path attributable to someone who didn't know what they were talking about giving you bad directions in the first place (this analogy is dedicated to Breath of Fire III fans), at which point it was theorized that perhaps everything taken for granted as true for generations may be completely backwards and humanity (figuratively, intellectually) returned to square one then went in the opposite direction, and shortly after the inventor of the time machine arrived to confirm we finally had the right idea, and with our minds flipped to relatively-up-side-down-but-more-accurately-right-side-up thinking it was now possible for our tribe to comprehend the mechanics of said machine.

What this means to you is: Due to radical technological changes in the future, your unable to send emails using present systems that will await on a server to be checked when I'm from, which is why historians use present-agents in different periods to manage things (mail, etc) on our behalf, so those wanting to get messages to me (historian) can contact my agent in this present using the email above.

They're job is simple: Stay here, store their. I'll see things addressed in times past, then travel back and address things as needed.

Be Ware: There pretty dense. You can send what you intend to be hate mail, but it will probably be perceived as love letters, which won't be passed on to me since my historian ethics (as deliverer, not author, of time-loop materials) don't permit me to accept in good conscience any praise for this work. You're positivity is better aimed at the book itself in reviews on other sites. Books have feelings too, and it will appreciate the attention in ways I cannot.

(grammar dedicated to all fans of classic video game translation)

As to welcome subjects for emails: matters related to this or associated sites, discussion of the resurrection, and fire-breathers assembling a team for adventure top the list.
