Buy The Book

Delivered by a historian (or "time traveler" to use your present vernacular), possibly a key item in the resurrection of a legend though probably mere novelty in a timeline already etched in stone, this anachronistic history book centers on a turning point in the saga of Breath of Fire (BOF), a property with infinite potential that died young only to return reborn and destined to become one of the most influential brands in the world. Its subjects are many, but all revolve around two games in that franchise, one being Breath of Fire II, the other a game that exists in your future, with cameos by every game from the classic series in support of its two stars.

To read it, click that "READ THE BOOK" link up there and choose your weapon, for it comes in three flavors each providing the same characters (as in, letters, symbols that form words) but in different armor (digital, paperback, hardcover), so collect whichever suits your playing style.


To answer a question before you ask, that link atop the preceding text is your only path to buying the book itself, for this site is a companion and supplement to that book and therefore designed on the logic that were you looking to buy the book to read you'd have done so before proceeding beyond that "Read The Book" segment to explore everything else on this site.

Meaning, the FAQ and everything else from here on is for those who came to see the site's sights, for those who bought the book or those who didn't, and will never direct you toward buying it. If you want the book, you'll have to return to this page using the "Main" menu link that appears atop each page after following the FAQ or following links.


Items resident to this site (works of art owned by the historian or agent tasked with operating this virtual realm, and so on), portals that will rocket you directly to relevant items on other sites (works of art owned by independents residing elsewhere on the world map, and so on), all you may be without may be found within.


A whisper of warning, permission of power, and strategy to guide those who make history. If you want fire to breathe, spread it.


Make a statement.
